Leading Life with Integrity: A Guide to Authenticity

The above screenshot is from a poll that ran on EA's LinkedIn business page and the question was, what do you want to be known for? This was an important poll because it speaks to many personal attributes and helps back your brand.  When establishing a #personalbrand, it’s important to know the core driver behind how you want to be perceived and understood. We received about 430 votes in this poll and the results were interesting, one was not better or stronger than the other, but having integrity was the # 1 thing professionals want to be known for. 

What is integrity?

Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles, demonstrating consistency in actions, values, and adherence to ethical standards.

Why is it important to have integrity?

Individuals with integrity are often regarded as trustworthy and reliable, prioritizing the right course of action even in the absence of supervision. This virtue is highly valued in personal, professional, and societal contexts.

How can I gain integrity?

In a world marked by complexity and diverse values, integrity stands out as a timeless virtue. It goes beyond being a mere word; rather, it serves as a guiding principle shaping various aspects of life. This commitment to authenticity, transparency, and consistency is essential in navigating life's journey. Here are some ways to begin gaining integrity:

  • Self-reflection: Understand your values and principles. 

  • Consistency: Align actions with values consistently.

  • Honesty: Be truthful, especially in challenging situations.

  • Accountability: Take ownership of your actions and decisions.

  • Respect: Treat others with respect and value diverse perspectives.

  • Continuous Improvement: Reflect, learn, and adapt to grow in integrity.

  • Confidentiality: Honor confidentiality agreements and respect others' privacy.
    Avoid sharing sensitive information without permission.

  • Reliability: Deliver on your promises and commitments. Don’t over-promise and under-deliver.

  •  Ethical Decision Making: When faced with ethical dilemmas, make decisions that align with your values, even if it’s the more challenging path.

  • Continuous Improvement: Reflect on your actions regularly and seek ways to improve your integrity. Stay informed about ethical standards and best practices in your industry. 

Remember, building a brand with integrity is a continuous process that requires time and consistency. It's not just about what you say but, more importantly, about what you do. As you consistently demonstrate integrity in your actions, others will come to recognize and appreciate this quality in you. 

Success will come and go, but integrity is forever and you should have it whether someone is looking or not. Building a reputation of integrity takes years, but only a second to lose, so don't let the end justify the means of how you get there. In the journey of success, it's the unwavering commitment to honesty and trustworthiness that truly defines a legacy. Leading life with integrity should be the cornerstone of your story and your brand. 

 Launch Pad:

  1. Define your values clearly. Writing down your values can serve as a tangible reminder and guide. 

  2. Set aside moments for regular self-reflection. Assess your actions, decisions, and behaviors against your defined values.

  3. Seek feedback and accountability. Constructive input from trusted friends, mentors, or colleagues can provide valuable insights into blind spots or areas for improvement. 

For more inspiration, hit play to the episode below.

Hilani Ellis