Elevate Your Well-Being: Rethinking Self-Care

Welcome to a new era of well-being, where the traditional concept of self-care is evolving to meet the dynamic needs of a modern era. In a world that never stops, finding harmony and fulfillment is paramount. We want to highlight three rebellious well-being tips that transcend conventional self-care, offering a fresh perspective on well-being that's tailored to your lifestyle. We believe the world of executive administration could use some healthy pressure to put you first (more than you are now).

Well-Being Tip 1: Mindful Tech Breaks

In the hustle and bustle of our digitally-driven lives, taking mindful tech breaks is becoming increasingly essential. The constant barrage of notifications and the pressure to stay connected can take a toll on our mental health. It's time to explore the concept of digital detoxing – a practice that involves intentionally disconnecting from technology to recharge your mental batteries.

Imagine a few minutes each day where you unplug, breathe, and focus on the present moment. Whether it's through mindfulness apps, purposeful tech-free activities (consider one of our book recommendations), or simply stepping away from screens, incorporating mindful tech breaks can pave the way for a more serene and harmonious state of mind.

The upside to doing less with social media:

  1. Less distractions; FOMO is very real and doesn’t help anyone.

  2. Higher productivity; just imagine!

  3. Studies tell us people sleep better.

Top tips: One option: make a rule to stop using social at a certain time of night. Second option, look at the usage app on your phone (in settings) to learn how much you use a certain app (e.g., Instagram), then set a personal reduction in usage goal.

Well-Being Tip 2: Nourishing Nutrition, Not Dieting

The days of restrictive diets are fading, making way for a more mindful and nourishing approach to nutrition. It's time to shift our focus from calorie counting to embracing a variety of nutrient-dense foods. Rather than viewing food as the enemy, let's explore how it can be a source of nourishment and joy.

Consider adopting an intuitive approach to eating – listening to your body's signals and savoring each bite. Discover the power of superfoods and how they can enhance your overall well-being. This shift from dieting to nourishing nutrition is not only sustainable but also promotes a healthier relationship with food.

The upside to adopting a nourishing nutrition mindset:

  1. Less pressure and one less thing to stress over.

  2. A longevity-focused and energy-focused plan; you need the right foods to perform at your peak.

  3. Higher success rate with reaching wellness (over skinny) goals.

Top tip: For ladies or men, adding collagen into your routine offers so many wellness boosting benefits in one step. I’ve been adding marine collagen to my coffee for the past few years and when I run out, I notice a difference in my joints (they ache) and skin (it’s not as plump). I got approved to take it from my practitioner. Absolutely, consult your practitioner before consuming any new products.

Well-Being Tip 3: Movement for Joy, Not Just Fitness

Exercise shouldn't feel like a punishment; it should be a celebration of what our bodies can do. In this tip, we invite you to explore movement for joy. It's about finding an activity that brings genuine happiness – whether it's dancing, hiking, or practicing yoga.

Say goodbye to the notion that exercise has to be rigorous to be effective. Instead, focus on movements that bring you joy and fulfillment. Not only will this approach positively impact your physical health, but it will also boost your mood (yes, please!) and contribute to an overall sense of well-being.

The upside to adopting a movement for joy mindset:

  1. You combat negative energy.

  2. You keep your heart healthy; high stress jobs, like administrative support, are really bad on your heart.

  3. You boost brain function and memory.

Top tip: Working a high stress job, many are energy depleted that the thought of working out is like punishment. Instead of thinking about a workout, start with reaching 8,000 steps a day. Using this tracker watch will help you incrementally reach the individual goal you set for yourself. Park farther away from entrances or take the stairs as small shifts that compound over time. The benefit of doing this should be exciting, not tiring.


Now more than ever, we need to redefine and promote a new way to approach well-being. Mindful tech breaks, nourishing nutrition, and movement for joy are the new cornerstones of a lifestyle that enhances every facet of our lives. It's not just about self-care; it's about creating a sustainable, joyful, and fulfilling way of living (read that again). Let's embrace these transformative habits and adopt a healthier, happier version of ourselves. The time for positive change is now. Elevate your well-being, and let the transformation begin.

Launch Pad:

  1. Pick one thing to focus on from the above.

  2. Solicit someone to be your accountability partner with what you pick for #1 above.

  3. Look over the essentials recommendations below and add one to your plan.

  4. Hit play to hear the amazing conversation I had with my long-time friend and practitioner (below).

  5. Fall in love with the idea of being healthy and happy (wink).

Think of these as indispensable elements to incorporate into your journey towards well-being:

Complete Plant Fusion Protein - I not only endorse the use of this product, but can say I know the Founder and CEO as he’s a past client. His commitment to higher well-being is next level!

Kitsch Skin Kit - I personally use these three products twice a month to keep the skin on my face “alert”. I’m not ready for botox, so I do this to prolong the need.

The World’s Finest Dead Sea Bath Salts - I can’t explain it, but every time I take a bath with these salts, I sleep so good and feel refreshed. I’ve even given this away to friends as gifts.

SheaMoisture Daily Hydration - When I learned about the many hormone hurting chemicals included in female products, I got angry. I did several hours of research to replace 95% of my products. I absolutely love this shower wash and knowing it’s not affecting my hormones makes me even happier.

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