5 Tips to Stop Feeling Stressed About Money

In collaboration with Nicole Stanley at Arise Financial Coaching, we want to share with you important and transformative tips that can help you prepare for a stress-free financial future.

Finance and Anxiety: How to Manage Your Finances

Hilani: Hi, Nicole! Thanks for joining me today. So I’m curious - we’re talking about money stress. Have you experienced this kind of stress yourself?

Nicole: Thanks, Hilani. Yes, absolutely! Years ago when I started this journey, financial anxiety had been driving my life for as long as I could remember. Even though I had always been trying to manage my money well, I seemed just to be digging further and further into stress. I was tired of second-guessing every purchase I made, tired of picking up the phone on my lunch break to argue with my husband over our debt, and tired of the constant worry about my financial future.

Then, one day, I decided to take control. I grabbed a napkin and wrote down the biggest financial goal I could imagine: "I will be debt-free in five years." That moment changed everything. I decided that no matter what, I was going to make that goal happen. With determination and a commitment to change, I transformed my financial future, going from debt and stress to a net worth of over $250,000 on an average salary of $50k/year.

I realized that my struggles weren't unique - so I began helping others. Now, over 600 clients later, I’m thrilled to share five tips that will help anyone stop feeling stressed about money.

Personal Finance Tips to Help You Reach Your Financial Goals

Hilani: Wonderful. So when it comes to money, it all starts with a budget, right? But it seems like sticking to a budget can be hit-or-miss - and feel so difficult.

Nicole: Oh, for sure. But here’s the secret: budgeting doesn't have to feel like a chore; it can be a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Instead of simply listing expenses, create a budget that aligns with your values and aspirations. Set aside funds for experiences that bring you joy and fulfillment. Financial planning is about so much more than just numbers—it's about living a life that reflects your true desires. And when we start with that as both our baseline and our vision, it keeps us moving in the right direction.

Embrace Your Money Story

Hilani: Tell us how embracing your money story can help you achieve financial independence.

Nicole: This is such a good one! Your relationship with money is deeply rooted in your past experiences and beliefs. Take the time to explore your "money story" and understand how it has shaped your financial mindset. What phrases about money did you hear your parents repeating when you were a kid? What did you learn about money when you were supporting yourself for the first time? Are there things that were true for you earlier on in your life that may not be true for you now? By embracing your money story, you can consciously rewrite the narrative and cultivate a healthier relationship with money.

Financial Independence Over Retirement

Hilani: You’ve said, “Forget ‘retirement’:  aim for financial independence.” Tell us more.

Nicole: Absolutely! I love talking about this. Retirement is not just about clocking out on your career; it's about living a life of freedom and fulfillment. Shift your focus from traditional retirement to financial independence — the ability to pursue your passions and dreams without financial stress. Let your financial plan be the roadmap to a life of abundance and joy.

The Power of Financial Education

Hilani: Does investing in your financial education help you accelerate your financial goals?

Nicole: Oh my gosh, it absolutely does. You’ve heard the phrase “knowledge is power,” and that’s true - especially when it comes to finances. You can invest in your financial literacy by attending workshops, reading books, and listening to great podcasts — I’ve always got recommendations!

However, I also want to add that financial education is not the only thing you need in order to remove stress and enjoy success with your money. I’ve worked with plenty of clients who had read a shelf’s worth of personal finance books, but still felt so much stress in their day-to-day money. One of the reasons I’m a financial coach and not a financial educator is because the biggest gap I see isn’t knowing what to do with your money, it’s doing it. Life is always throwing us curveballs, while financial education tends to be one-size-fits-all. Financial coaching helps bridge the gap between knowledge and results–and it’s so rewarding to see my clients accelerate their financial goals like they never thought possible. 

Prioritize Mental Health

Hilani: You connect prioritizing your mental health with achieving financial independence - tell us how to act on this.

Nicole: Oh, for sure. Don't overlook the impact of financial stress on your physical well-being, our mental health, and your financial health are intertwined - as you’ll know well if you’ve ever experienced financial anxiety like I have. The stress that money puts on us is so real. That’s one of the reasons why the lessons we learn from the mental health field can often be applied to our financial lives as well - and I’ve seen amazing results with clients who are growing in both areas at the same time. 

In Conclusion

Transforming your relationship with money is possible, no matter where you are on your financial journey. By redefining budgeting, embracing your money story, aiming for financial independence, investing in your financial well-being, and prioritizing your mental health, you can begin to stop feeling stressed about money and start writing your own success story.

Launch Pad:

1. Where do you feel the most stuck with your money right now? Write it down. What would it take to make a big, positive change in this one area?

2. Even though our money circumstances change throughout our lives, we often manage our money the same way we always have. What’s one money habit you still keep from earlier on in your life that’s no longer serving you? 

3. Like any habit change - learning to eat well, starting to exercise, or learning a new skill - changing your financial life does well with accountability. Who do you know that has a relationship with their money that you admire? As you start to change your relationship with money, what questions would you want to ask that person? 

About: Nicole Stanley is the Founder and Head Coach at Arise Financial Coaching, where she helps professional women and couples ditch money stress and finally enjoy their financial success. She lives in Colorado with her husband and their three children. You can find her on Instagram at @arise.financial.coaching, on TikTok at @your.money.coach, or on her website, arise.financial.

*Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter to learn about our IG live with Nicole and her LIVE podcast recording event. We can’t wait to see you!

If you’re looking for more insight into your financial stresses, check out this great episode from the EA Podcast.

Hilani Ellis