Taylor M.

“Through the years, I contemplated the hire of an assistant, but held off due to not knowing if I had enough work to constitute a 40/hr week hire. Also, since the hire doesn't generate revenue, I had trouble justifying the expense. I continued to hear and read success stories about the power of an assistant, yet still held off. I guess you could say holding off was a gift. I learned about Hilani through a trusted relationship. The endorsement piqued my interest because it included a quick overview of her approach in that she doesn’t just find someone, she helps you understand what you need and what success can look like after the hire. I was intrigued, someone that would not only help find talent but also advise on this unique partnership, it sounded too good to be true. I decided to schedule a meeting. That first meeting she offered deep insight into the admin profession. Hilani’s poised and passionate personality invited excitement about what was possible. It was very assuring to know she served in the profession for over a decade. Now, 4 years later, I can say, I wish I would have hired sooner, but in the same breath, I’m glad I didn’t because I wouldn’t have had Hilani’s advisement. I attribute much of the partnership's success to her."

Title: CEO

Industry: Manufacturing

Hilani Ellis